International (Lower Secondary)

Feb Timetable (Prince Edward) 

4 sessions 5 hours 20 mins
Each Subject Fee $1800

Course Subject Date Time
KS3MS01(LS) Maths 8/2, 15/2, 22/2, 1/3 Sat
KS3IS02(LS) Science 5/2, 12/2, 19/2, 26/2 Wed

Feb Timetable (Wan Chai) 

4 sessions 5 hours 20 mins
Each Subject Fee $1800

Course Subject Date Time
HS3MS01(LS) Maths 7/2, 14/2, 21/2, 28/2 Fri
HS3IS02(LS) Science 8/2, 15/2, 22/2, 1/3 Sat

**Make your payment by cash or cheque at Knowledge Convergence Tutorial Centre. The cheque should be crossed and made payable to “K & C EDUCATION LIMITED”